Sunday, June 14, 2009


Logan's been on this singing kick. He hardly ever does it, but it cracks me up when he gets the words all mixed up. Lately he's been singing Book of Mormon Stories and at the end when you sing, "Give them this land, if they live righteously, he says, "give them this land, if they life, I just leave." haha I die laughing every time. So cute.

So for your viewing pleasure... give a round of applause to my Logan!



Aves June 14, 2009 at 3:51 PM  

hee hee! That was such a cute video, I loved his inflection! What a cutie. And I am pretty sure there are a ton of songs that I make up my own words to cuz I don't know the real ones :) good stuff!

Greg and Brittany June 14, 2009 at 5:13 PM  

hahahaha! That was great! I love it! Made me and Greg laugh! What a sweetie!

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