Monday, March 24, 2008

Hopping along the bunny trail!!!

Logan is finally understanding the concept of Santa and the Easter Bunny, I think that's what made this year really fun for us. He kept asking if we could have the Easter Bunny over for dinner which made me laugh. We went over to Brandon's parent on Saturday and dyed eggs as a family, Logan kept flicking the dye everywhere. Luckily Brandon got that under control. He lost interest fast, as two year olds do, once he dyed one egg. Oh, well! It was really fun watching him get up in the morning and find what the Easter Bunny had left him. His favorite present was this bat and ball that is shaped like a carrot and a pea. he he. Oh, and lots and lots of candy (which got put up right after he saw it!) Lucky boy!! He also had fun looking for the easter eggs in grandma's backyard. We still have snow here, so it wasn't too hard to find the dyed eggs. :) Logan even did the classic bend down to get the egg while another one falls out of the basket cycle. It was so funny. He ran all over the yard yelling, "Oh, another one!!" He did not want to come inside even when they were all found. I hope you all had a great Easter!!


Brittany March 27, 2008 at 7:24 AM  

Can't wait to see the layouts for these pictures!!

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