Thursday, October 1, 2009

Long time, no see

With finishing our basement, Logan starting preschool, our basement flooding--again, a change in some scrapbooking jobs, and trying to keep up with the day to day stuff, I lost track of my poor blog!!

It's been a while. I'd be surprised if anyone still looks at this blog! LOL

Well, this will be a short post--just a couple pics to share--since my mother told me she's dying for new pictures!

Just some fun ones of Landen--"What? Don't you wear your strainer like this?"

This is my first shirt I sewed--pretty cool. I feel very "Martha". LOL (excuse the wrinkles--it was the end of the day!)


Greg and Brittany October 5, 2009 at 8:18 AM  

Love the shirt Kandis! It looks great! Perfect color too! Love the Landen pics too - that kid is getting so big!

D.C.C. Mealy October 5, 2009 at 9:32 AM  

That shirt is adorable! Good job, Martha!

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