Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Poopy Two Days

Man! It seems that lately my days have been filled with poop. We've had a number of incidents in our home-- some of which I will NOT go into detail. Don't worry. But I do have a funny one--well, it's funny now that I'm not dealing with it.

I left the room for 2 minutes to quickly check my email and Logan comes in:

Logan: "Mommy, the baby has a poopy diaper. You need to change him."

Me: "How do you know he has a poopy diaper?"

Logan: "'Cuz I checked him." (giving me the "duh! how else would I have known?" look)

Me: "Okay, HOW did you check him? Did you smell him or did you look inside his diaper?"

Logan: "I looked inside his diaper."

So now I'm worried. I go into the living room to find Landen running around next to our NEW couch with a poopy butt--naked. Yea, the dirty diaper was laying in the middle of the floor. Luckily poo did not get everywhere. Logan is banned from checking stinky diapers.

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh the life of a stay at home mother. I just know you are all dying to come rescue me. haha :)


Aves April 8, 2009 at 11:53 PM  

oh man, kids. They do the craziest stuff, for real! It was a funny story, but can imagine just how unfunny it was when it happend :)

Sabs April 9, 2009 at 7:13 AM  

ha ha what a funny kid that logan is!

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